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A bumper crop for us means huge savings for you!

By July 11, 2024No Comments
Illustration demonstrating the "currency of the soil" being carbon. Gold coins coming out of the soil serve as platforms for small healthy seedlings in this picture

We’ve dropped many of our prices by 20-30%!


You might know Green Cover from our field days, our educational materials, or our youtube videos. But did you know that we contract grow over 60% of our cover crop seed inventory. 

We’re going straight to the source to get the highest quality seed at the lowest possible price grown right here in the US. 

Our growers harvested bumper crops this year and we are excited to announce huge price drops.

In fact, we’ve decreased prices by 20-30% on several cereals including Elbon Cereal Rye, Hazlet Cereal Rye, 813 Triticale, Forage FX 1001 Winter Triticale and Rushmore Oats. Many of these are ready to ship! Check out our fall prices today!

Give us a call today! 


We’ll help you put together a cover crop plan that works for you. Here are some things to discuss with your sales rep to ensure great success for your cover crop.

Planting Date – When will you be able to get the cover crop planted? Are you following a summer cover crop? Maybe seeding after a silage crop? Or perhaps a later fall planting after corn or bean harvest. Knowing your expected planting date as well as your average frost date is crucial to making the right cover crop mix.

Next Cash Crop – Consider your next cash crop. Are you going to corn or beans? When will the cash crop need to be planted in the spring? Could you let the cover crop grow a little longer in the spring to capture more nitrogen or build more weed suppressing biomass?

Termination Options – This is a big one! Thinking about termination and having a couple back up plans is critical to a successful cover crop scenario. Will you roller crimp the cover crop? Can you spray it out? Are you planning to till it under? Is grazing an option? Spend time discussing your termination options with your sales rep so they can set you up with the right cover crop species.

Other Restrictions – It’s important to make sure your sales rep knows the background of the operation and your overall goals. Are you a wheat producer who can’t afford any rye contamination? Do you have any residual herbicide that may affect the cover crop?


There’s no time like the present so whether you’re a first time cover cropper or a veteran of soil health, now is the time to invest in the future of your soil. We know you care deeply about your land so let us help you steward God’s creation for future generations.



  • Kate Smith

    Kate grew up in rural southern Wisconsin and spent most of her time outdoors and working on various farming operations. During this time she developed a deep appreciation for plants, animals, food, agriculture and natural resources and the way in which they all work together. Kate went to college at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln studying Animal Science and Grazing Livestock Systems. After college, Kate started working full time for Green Cover as a Sales Representative, gaining experience in the cover crop world. After a couple sales seasons, Kate transitioned to the marketing team helping write articles and organize processes. Kate and her husband, Ben now reside in Monroe, Wisconsin. Kate enjoys spending time outdoors, with her family, and seeks every opportunity to visit a lake during the summer. She enjoys leaning about soil, plant, and animal health and how it relates to human health.

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