Featured Book
The Complete Guide To Restoring Your Soil
By: Dale Strickler
Healthy soil is key to sustaining life on Earth. While more and more people are starting to see the need for soil restoration, there is very little understanding of just how it can be accomplished. There is a rapidly emerging demand for a “how to” manual for soil restoration. Dale Strickler is an expert on building healthy soil and restoring degraded soil, and in The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil, he presents the science of soil, along with proven methods of restoring depleted soil and agricultural practices from around the world that continue to build soil, rather than cause it to deteriorate civilizations.
Let’s Start Digging
A Soil Owners Manual
By: Jon Stika
For The Love Of Soil
By: Nicole Masters
Dirt to Soil
By: Gabe Brown
The Unsettling of America
By: Wendell Berry
”For the true measure of agriculture is not the sophistication of its equipment, the size of its income, or even the statistics of its productivity but the good health of the land.
Wendell BerryThe Unsettling Of America
The Dale Strickler Trilogy
”Every year I tilled, my soil got worse, and every year it took more tillage to accomplish the same result.
Dale StricklerRestoring Your Soil
Every year I no-till, the soil gets better.

The Drought Resilient Farm
By: Dale Strickler

Managing Pasture
By: Dale Strickler

Restoring Your Soil
By: Dale Strickler
Healthy Soil = Healthy people
By: Fred Provenza
Knowledge Rich Ranching
By: Allan Nation
Kick the Hay Habit
By: Jim Gerrish
Mycorrhizal Planet
By: Michael Phillips
”We must begin supporting and awarding farmers who adopt regenerative practices.
David R. Montgomery

Dirt: The Erosion Of Civilizations
By: David R. Montgomery
Growing A Revolution
By: David R. Montgomery
The Hidden Half Of Nature
By: David R. Montgomery & Anne Bikle

Disclaimer: Green Cover has no financial incentive in sharing these books, our recommendations are based on the value that our team has found in reading them. This is not an exhaustive list and we are always open to suggestions and additional recommendations.